Monday, September 04, 2006

The Update Post

  • Blog Logistic Update: As many of you know, I appreciate and enjoy your comments (unless they're degrading comments from Leo). So... if you look at the column on the right side of this blog, you'll see a section titled "And You Said..." Those are your most recent comments. By clicking on a name, you can go directly to the comment and read what you wrote.

  • Driver's License Update: This is still an open issue, and in the process of being clarified. The reason I haven't kept this issue up-to-date is because (1.) it changes practically every day and with every phone call and (2.) it's leading to insanity and premature greying. I could seriously devote an entire blog to this mess, but would rather not.

  • Boy Update: The answer is still a resounding "no", though I *gasp* held someone's hand the other day... but it wasn't like that. Just thought I'd throw that one out there to shock everyone back home. :)

  • Life in General Update: Slightly confusing. Interesting. Challenging. A little bittersweet. Generally manageable.
  • 1 comment:

    Sina said...

    Hey Mary,

    ich weiss, der Blog ist alt... ;-)
    aber ich bin mal so durchgeflogen und da ich kein "ich hab ihn! ich hab ihn!" gefunden habe... was klappt denn nicht? wo gehts nicht weiter? seit ich in VEN bin, find ich dt. Behörden einfach nur toll und einfach... kann man (ich) dir helfen?
