Tuesday, September 12, 2006

On Work and Worrying

Work. It's more volatile and unpredictable than a bunch of tenth graders in a high school chemistry lab. Oooh, speaking of chemicals, aren't ulcers a result of excessive gastric acids? I think a feel a warm, fuzzy one coming.

Mary: I know that I do tend to worry a lot
Mary: bleh
Kenny: you've always been like that, so you take situations like this harder
Kenny: or you just find more to worry about!
Mary: I'm worried that I worry to much
Kenny: it might really go back to the old control issue
Kenny: exactly
Kenny: I'm really worried that you will worry about your worry too much
Mary: and now I'm worried that you're worrying about my worrying about my worry
Kenny: this whole thing is very troublesome

I miss my Vatti.

Life is a malignant-gastro-intestinal-peptic-ulcer.

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