[aside: yes, it's pathetic... another entry devoted to Biomuell. It's just that the whole phenomenon and disposal process is so darn fascinating.]
At church last weekend, a friend, Beatrice*, said she had a gift for me. In a Mary-Poppins-like-style, she reached into her purse, and lo and behold: trashbags! But not just any trashbags... trashbags made especially for Biomuell!

Trashbags are better than the little tupper-ware containers I've been using for various reasons:
1. they contain less air, which will hopefully result in a quick and painless Biomuell-suffocation and thus the inability to escape and kill me in my sleep.
2. un-aesthetic environment (as opposed to the clear tupper-ware containers allowing a nice view of my appartment), which will hopefully result in Biomuell boredom and eventual desperation.
3. the trashbags themselves are biodegradable, which means I can simply throw them away. Of course, they don't last as long as "normal" trashbags... but that's the only precaution.

Thank you Beatrice! How can I ever repay you and thank you? Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, perhaps? :)
Though I joke about Biomuell, it really is distressing when I take it out every week... it's like parting with a dear pet, in a way.
*name changed to protect privacy
Formula of the day: "=WENN(ISTFEHLER(SVERWEIS($B18;'UMTS (29548)'!
$B:$T;E$106;0));;SVERWEIS($B18;'UMTS (29548)'!$B:$T;E$106;0))" (Thanks to a Bocholt colleague who explained sverweis to me)
OK, Mary, I need the phonetic pronounciation of Biomuell.
I think I would like to use this in class. My students are forever giving me reasons for not having homework done, leaving work in their locker or misplacing their writing utensils.
Instead of telling them that their excuses are rubbish, I can say that the excuses are just biomuell. Maybe this will send them to a dictioary. Another skill they need to learn. I could introduce them to Leo, if it wouldn't interfere with your relationship or make you jealous.
Just a thought.
Phonetic pronunciation... hmm... some of the phonemes are nonexistent in the English language, so I don't know how to transcribe it! Something between "bee-oh-mihl" (short 'i') or "bee-oh-moohl". The stress/emphasis is on the first syllable. :)
You'd just better be careful... the kids might start telling you that their Biomuell ate their homework.
And about Leo... you have my permission to refer people to him. We're very loyal to one another... plus, I have him twisted around my little pinky finger. :)
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