Q: Bis zu welcher Höhe darf die Ladung nicht nach vorn über das Fahrzeug hinausragen?
(Until which height is allowed the cargo not over the front of the car to stick out?)
A: 2,5 m. Yeah? And what if it sticks out 2,500008 m.? Do I get another PUNKT?
Q: Was kann bei einem Kraftfahrzeug zum Qualmen des Dieselmotors führen?
(What can on a vehicle to smoke of the Diesel motor lead?)
Q: Warum muss die Bremsflüssigkeit nach Anweisung des Fahrzeugherstellers ausgetauscht werden?
(Why must the break fluid according to instructions of the auto manufacturer changed be?)
A: I wouldn't even know the answer to this question if it were in English!!!
Q: Die Scheibenwischer an Ihrem Pkw funktionieren nicht. Was kann die Ursache dafür sein?
(The windshield wipers on your [formal] car function not. What can the cause there for be?)
A: Who gives a *bleep*???
Q: Bei welchen Drogen kann schon einmaliger Konsum zu vorübergehender Fahruntüchtigkeit führen?
(By which drugs can already one-time consumption to temporary driving inability lead?)
A: I got a fever, and the only prescription is more hookah!
Lyric of the day: "Baby, you can drive my car... and yes, I'm gonna be a star. Baby, you can drive my car, and maybe I'll love you. Beep beep, mmm, beep beep, yeah." (Thanks to the Beatles!)
Katinka-dabogana Countdown: Approximately 10 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes.
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