Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Work Update, 11.10.06

The drama is never ending. At work, we either have a ton to do in the sense that we have to calculate and turn in a number/report within a couple of hours, or we're bored. Today's more of a bored-day, so here are some articles from the past week I found to give you an idea of what's going on. I translated the titles into English, but the articles themselves are from German sources.

It can be a cruel, bitter world.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing written here is confidential; all information can be found in various public news sources.

1000 BenQ employees to lose their jobs (Source)

BenQ Confirms drastic personnel reduction (Source)

IG-Metall* calls Siemens to disclose BenQ contracts (Source)

Many BenQ patents are gone (Source)

Insolvency Administrator** brings hope for BenQ employees (Source)

Politics and economics put pressure on BenQ (Source)

BenQ insolvency: Klaus Kleinfeld's*** failure (Source)

As you can tell, there's a ton of drama, complexity and chaos on a myriad of levels between multiple high-powered-players. Players include Taiwan, Germany, BenQ Corp, BenQ Mobile, Siemens, CEOs on both sides, K.Y.Lee, Clemens Joos, Klaus Kleinfeld, Politics, the Bundeskanzlerin, the NR-W Ministerpräsident, the NR-W Wirtschaftsministerin, Economics, Siemens employees throughout Germany, the Betriebsrat, Insolvency Administrators... and that's all I can think of at the moment.

It's neither fun nor pretty.

* a Labour Union fighting for employee's rights and jobs

** Insolvenzverwalter, the new legal CEO

*** the current Siemens CEO

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