And here are some possible captions:
"Mary for President" (Thanks, Sarah!)
"Mary for Bundeskanzlerin" (inspired by Sarah)
"Constantine's Dream" (Thanks, Shelby... how embarrassing!!!)
"That's FRAU Barber to you"
"Professionalism at its Best"
"Insolvency Inschmolvency"
"The Barber Identity"
"Keep Exploring!"
"The Approaching Train Wreck"
"Taiwan gone Bad"
"Corporate Image!"
"Europe's Next Top Model"
"Das Leben ist... wait, cancel that thought."
I'm accepting more caption suggestions, in case you have any.
You need plastic surgery. Dringend.
Your Mom needs plastic surgery. Dringender.
I'll be home in less than two months, though!!!!!!! *blows a kiss across the ocean*
"Mary for President!"
Constantine's Dream...:)
Sarah - Hmm, not a bad idea, actually...
Shelby - Embarrassing! I could make a smart-alecy comment about Bo, but I won't. :)
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