Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Please Pass the Salt, Part II

This morning, I received a frantic phone call from my boss' secretary requiring me to immediately drop everything and take on another super-crucial emergency translation project.

Secretary: "Mary, I need your help! They've changed the menu this morning!"
Mary: "Oh no! All my work... down the drain..."
Secretary: "Instead of Blattspinat*, they're offering Blumenkohl!"
Mary: "Augh!!!"

Ok... I know what "Kohl" is (cabbage), and I know what "Blumen" are (flowers)... but put them together, and Houston, we have a Translation Crisis. Fortunately, Leo happened to be sitting right by me at my desk.

Mary: *taps Leo on the shoulder* "Hey Leo, what's Blumenkohl?"
Leo: "Cauliflower."
Mary: "Aha. Thanks."
Leo: "Sure, anytime. Your German is pathetic, by the way."
Mary: "Shut up."

I'd be willing to bet that the CEO doesn't even know what cauliflower is.


Lyric of the day: "If I had a million dollars, we wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner... but we would eat Kraft Dinner.... of course we would, we'd just eat more..." (Thanks to the Ladies!)

Katinka-dabogana Countdown: approximately 7 days, 8 hours and 4 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a good one:

As is this, but you have to upload your own stuff and trade:

This used to be a good site, but has been "suspended" lately...:

You looking for anything specific?