Well, Mom wanted me to write our Family Christmas Letter this year... and she wanted it to be obvious that I'd written it. So, here it is.
Dear Family and Friends,
Mom’s hoping to start a new Christmas tradition of me (Mary) writing our family Christmas letter. As I didn’t fly in from Germany until the 18th, we’re a little late this year. It’s been an incredible year of growth and challenge for everyone… here are the some of the highlights:
Dad (Chuck): in his down-time between hunting trips (be it for wild boar, deer, or even cougar), Dad is still on staff with Hill Country Bible Church. He actually took on the new role of Small Groups Pastor this year, which he is really enjoying.
Mom (Libby): still working as the receptionist at Hill Country Christian School of Austin, Mom’s also had a great year. Highlights include visiting me in Germany, learning how to quilt, and counseling younger couples with Dad. She’s also enjoyed being able to see her family this year, as several nieces and nephews have gotten married.
Me (Mary): having made it through my first year in Germany, I love my new life and circle of friends and families. I’m involved with the youth, help lead the worship music on Sundays, and host a weekly Bible Study group. Unfortunately, my company filed for bankruptcy, so I’m in the process of trusting God and job hunting because I’d love to stay exactly where I am.
Katherine: now in her upper-level nursing courses at the University of Texas, Katherine is enjoying the hands-on side of nursing and is gaining excellent practical experience. She even practices IV administration on Dad - what a family. She’s also involved in children’s ministry at the Hill Country Bible Church UT Church Plant in Austin and works part time at the hospital.
Emilie: in her second year at Texas A&M University, Emilie declared Speech Communications to be her major. She’s had a great year, which has included Bible Studies at her church, moving into a little house off campus, starting to play the piano again (Pride and Prejudice music is her specialty!), and even taking a Scuba-diving class.
Christina: this Christmas letter isn’t the only place you can read about Christina… just check out the local newspapers. As a high school Senior, her Volleyball team had a 14-0 Season and was 10th in the State of Texas. She’ll graduate in May and is still deciding where to go to college and what her next steps will be.
We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and may God bless you in 2007!
The Barber Family
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