As most of you know, Superman and I had Covid back in June/ July 2020, before it was so popular. Without going into detail (I'll document that in another post), the course of the virus was relatively mild compared to what we had expected and seen in the media. I was able to work from home the entire time, and didn't even have to take any sick leave.
Due to the fact the our symptoms and experience were pretty uneventful, I decided to wait with the vaccine. Then, at the beginning of December 2021, I tested positive again... this time, with even milder symptoms. I was actually quite ecstatic after testing positive, as I now have the "2G" status mentioned in my previous post, and will be a free citizen until my recovery certificate expires on May 30th 2022.
After 2 weeks of quarantine, I decided to go shopping again, which otherwise wouldn't be allowed because I'm not Covid-vaccinated. All I wanted was a little bundt pan to make cinnamon bread for Christmas... and this turned out to be more complicated than originally anticipated.
The first stop was TKMaxx, as they have a great kitchen deparment... and I had even been in the store several days ago and seen a bundt pan that I wanted to purchase. At the store entrance, there was a line of people waiting to have their vaccine status checked to be able to enter.
Me: *shows my official (paper) letter of recovery from the health authorities*TKMaxx Employee: "Do you have a QR code? I'm not sure about this..."
Me: "No... I only have this official letter... they didn't give me a QR code. But here's the QR code from my positive PCR test that was several weeks ago."
Employee: "Let me call my manager..."
Manager: "What's the problem here?"
Me: "I was actually in the store last week... and here's my recovery letter."
And then they proceeded to literally send me away, which was horribly embarassing, as I had held up the line and there were quite a few people who were waiting and observing the whole ordeal.
Ironically, as I was searching for a customer service e-mail later that day, I saw a statement promoting "inclusion and diversity" and speaking out against discrimination on their website. I guess that only refers to acceptance regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual preference, color, etc... but it's ok to discriminate people based on their personal medical decisions.
After being sent away from TKMaxx, I decided to give it a try at Fissler, a more high-end kitchen shop.
Me: *shows my official (paper) letter of recovery from the health authorities*
Fissler Employee: "Do you not have a QR code?"
Me: "No... I only have this official letter... they didn't give me a QR code. But here's the QR code from my positive PCR test that was several weeks ago."
Employee: *monologue about being fined if I don't have the correct documents*
Me: "But this is an official document from the health authorities."
Employee: *monologue about the fact that I could have falsified the documents*
Me: "Of course... any document can be falsified?! But I'm recovered - you can even call the authorities if you like."
Employee: *monologue about the importance of QR codes*
Me: "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."
Employee: "Is vaccination not an option for you?"
Me: "That's my personal decision... and I'm recovered! So you're saying that although I'm recovered and have an official letter from the healther authorities, I'm not allowed to enter your EMPTY store and look at the bundt pans?"
The employee then proceeded to grant me access to his store... but he accompanied me to the bundt pans, staying by my side, and observing my every move until I left the store. I felt like a horrible person, like a criminal.
I will be boycotting both TKMaxx and Fissler in the future.
That afternoon, I went by the Apotheke (Drugstore), and got my official EU certificate of recovery, including the mark of the QR code. The lady there was super friendly and helpful, and even let me know which app to download and how to get my QR code in the app...
Employee: "Ohh, no, I can't take that!"Me: "Please, take it - I'm going to be boycotting them..."
Employee: "But maybe in the new year you'll find a place in your heart to forgive them..."
So hopefully she bought herself a little something nice for Christmas with the gift certificate.
And thanks to my wonderfully supportive and shopping-addicted husband, I had 3 little bundt pans delivered within the next several days and could choose my favorite one to keep!

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