Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bad Cop! No Donut! (Part II)

So... I got pulled over today for running a pink light (ok, maybe it was a little closer to a deep-magenta-rose). I considered showing the cops my Texas license, hoping to confuse them and avoid paying a fine... but then I remembered that I'm technically not even supposed to have my Texas license. Which I of course don't have. And which I of course didn't illegally obtain last Christmas because the American authorities have no clue. It's all about being a respectable, law-abiding German citizen here.

German cops are ogres in green suits with toy guns. And they drive matching green MINI VANS!

Not only do I have to pay a ridiculous fine, but I have 3 points. Ah, the lovely German traffic violation point system. With five points, I think you win a teddy bear... and with ten points, you win a new CD-player for your car. At 13 points your license is unfortunately taken away, and you have to return the teddy bear and the CD-player.

Now it's going to be even more difficult to avoid speeding and running red lights and stop signs because I have to rush to work to put in more overtime hours to pay stupid traffic fines.

My life is a freaking circle of death.


Anonymous said...

strafe muss sein :P

Unknown said...

Aww, es tut mir leid! Hope everything else is going a little better!

Erica said...

You make me laugh, Mary. It has been way too long. Keep in touch!

P.S. We actually have a blog now- how technological of us. Not as interesting as yours, but hey, you gotta start somewhere!

Anonymous said...

3 punkte?

Mary Elizabeth said...

Swenja - jaja :)

Steph - it is, thanks. :)

Erica - thanks, I'll check it out!

Anonymous - ja, genau.