Once again, today feels more like a Picture Day as opposed to a Word Day, so here are some pictures from this weekend. Our Choir spent most of Saturday practicing for a concert we'd like to give in the Fall, and then we sang at
our church this morning. As always, click on the photo to make it larger.
Here we are warming up... this is the closest Syd and I come to doing sports.*
Though we don't look that excited, practicing is actually rather fun, and can even be quite hilarious at times.
My favourite Tenor and Bass... :)
Here's Biff starting the grill fire... is this normal? Can I make a generalization and say that the majority of Germans start their grill fires this way? Or is it a Center of the Universe Thing?
Helmut not only has a thing for a certain young lady at church, but for cell phones...
Here's Syd fastening the salad bowl to the tractor - the ride home is pretty bumpy. Yes, I know I shouldn't make fun of him, but sometimes he kind of asks for it. :)
Sunday morning singing at church...
Last but not least, a group photo outside the church...
*swimming with
Huckleberry excluded
it is a center of the univers thing
Thanks for the clarification.
That looks really really fun!
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