Monday, February 26, 2007

Hand-Knit Psychadellic Socks!

This weekend, Eleanor gave Bizarro Mom and me some hand-knit socks, knit by Eleanor, the Master Knitter, herself. She's so good that she can simultaneously knit without looking, listen to a sermon, talk and eat chocolate. Talk about talent. :)

Aren't they lovely?


Anonymous said...

... just had to look up the word psychedelic (sorry, thats how Leo spells it) to make sure there's nothing wrong with those sox! :-)

Hope you'll have warm feet for the rest of your life!! :-)

Mary Elizabeth said...

Yeah, yeah... that's one of those words that I always inevitably spell wrong and have thus given up on even attempting to make corrections. Plus, it looks better when it's spelled incorrectly. :)

The socks are great! As soon as I'm done w/ the scarf, you'll have to show me how to knit socks. :)