Friday, June 27, 2008

Slowww Motion

I feel like my life is moving in slow motion at the moment, which is odd because time has the tendency to fly. And I feel like an outside observer - watching myself move from one confusing situation into the next. It's weird. Like an amateur theater piece whose plot and characters I can control and influence to a certain extent.

Sometimes I kind of want out. And when I think about it, it wasn't even my decision to be here in the first place. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wrong place. Or the wrong continent. Or the wrong century. Or the wrong planet. Or the wrong dimension. But that's a topic we'll leave for another day.


Anonymous said...

mary, whenever you write a blog, does it translate to German too? I know I can read it in English, but I didn't know if your German friends also had to read it in English.

Emilie b

Mary Elizabeth said...

Nope... pretty much everyone here can read/speak English to a certain extent. I could translate the blog, but (a) I'm too lazy and (b) it's good English practice for everyone here. :)

Can't wait to see you! Like four more weeks!