Ok, it's time for a Blog Poll because the Blog seems to have taken a turn, and I'm not sure where we're headed in the future. And I'm not sure what my Dear Readers would prefer reading. So... some feedback from you all would be nice.
Please fill out the following questionnaire and return it to me by a strict deadline of your choice. Feel free to select multiple answers.
Mary and her Blog should:
(a) return to light-hearted writings about cultural and language issues, and every-day experiences in the foreign country that is Germany. Forget the psychological drama.
(b) focus more on the Psychological, as she's done in the past several blogs. The weirder, the better.
(c) come out of the closet with her poetry. The darker, the better.
(d) write whatever she feels like on any given day. Who cares?
(e) quit writing. Who reads this crap anyway?
(f) other: ______________________________________
Mary should:
(a) quit work to start a band and live in a van down by the river
(b) plan her vacation around meteor showers
(c) climb the corporate ladder, turn into a money-laundering monster, write a book about how she did it, and retire next year
(d) move to Fiji. Or Somalia. Or Macedonia
(e) go on Ritalin
(f) other: ______________________________________
You need help. Get some sleep and we'll talk tomorrow morning - 7:00, as usual.
Nobody cares.
muss nur eben zur uni, danach sag ich was dazu :-)
ich glaub von teil 1 nehm ich shcon mal f.... (na wenn das jetzt mal nicht falsch war)
also gut.
doch nicht f...es war d! :-)
und teil 2...mmmh wieso Fiji?
allerdings gefällt mir noch c (aber das wäre böse,also lass es besser)
weiß nicht. e? ;-) (nicht witzig, ich weiß)
Scaramouche - thanks, Hon.
Anonymous - at least you're honest.
Swenja - hehe, danke. :) Fiji weil... em... muss auf Englisch schreiben... it's the farthest away you can get before you start heading back. Wenn das Sinn macht.
Aber ich sage es dir... ne, ich sage es lieber nicht... schreib dir gleich ne E-mail. :)
I had a dream last night that you were going to have a baby. I swear. YOU. In my dream.
Oh, I did not answer.
Mary and her blog should
I say d) but also add c) to d)
Mary should:
Do c) & d) together and then after retiring, do whatever you want.
hat alanis nicht auch fiji erwähnt in dem lied, das zu mir zuletzt geschickt hast??
ich hab soeben meine ferien offiziel eingeläutet :-) jippie...FREI!! was hältst du von einem zoobesuch am 3.5.? ist samstag. gehe morgens noch mit mama und schwester frühstücken, aber danach hab ich zeit.
Ok, let's go with this:
„Mary and her Blog...“:
Mix a, b, c, and especially d and take out the „forget the psychological drama“, the „the darker, the better“, and the „Who cares?" We can forget about the 'drama' in the psychology anyways, can't we? ;-)
„Mary should..“:
I think I'd pick (a). Leaves you with the question which riverside to live at... They should definitely finish the Fossa Eugeniana soon!
Rori - that's really creepy, and I don't even like babies that much. After retiring I think I'd buy a grand piano and drive my neighbors crazy 24/7.
Swenja - ne, eigentlich nicht, soweit ich weiss. Die Idee, nach Fiji umzuziehen kommt von dem Film Truman Show. :)
Ja, ich denke, dass das am Samstag mit dem Zoo klappt... ist ja diesen Samstag wenn ich mein Kalendar richtig sehe, oder? :)
Syd - but drama is sometimes fun (unless it makes you crazy). :) And yes, good question... I think it'd be a small river, though, meaning I could swim back and forth and live on whichever side I felt like on any given day.
der 3. ist der samstag, richtig.
fiji...truman show...oh wie ich in der shcule den film gehasst habe,weil viel zu oft geguckt...aber heute find ich den gar nicht mal schlecht.
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