So... how about some more pictures from my family's visit this summer? They're a little random and unsorted... I just picked out some of my favourites. Better late than never, eh?
As always, simply click on the picture to make it larger.
This was taken on a city wall... I don't remember which city, though, cause we visited quite a few. I'm sure Dad remembers, though...
Here's Kenny climbing the City Wall... I wish I could remember the name.
Of course we had to visit the Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria... here are Kenny and Mamita... aren't they cute?
I love my chicas! This was taken atop the Hohenschwangau Castle.
Believe it or not, this is the "piano" that Wagner composed and played on. He and Prince Maximilian (or was it King Ludwig II?), the builder of Castle Hohenschwangau, were friends. It was amazing. I felt like I was walking into some Musical Holy of Holies. Though I'm not that big of a Wagner fan (his music is generally too loud and disorderly and overwhelming), it was nonetheless thrilling to see his piano and take illegal pictures of it.
This is the Munich appartment complex we lived in when we first moved to Germany. We were in Munich for a year and then in Friedberg, which is right outside of Augsburg, for four years.
Neal went with us to Cologne, which is one of his favourite cities (sometimes he won't shut up about it).
We were looking at something rather inappropriate in Cologne. Ha ha ha.Which remeinds me... I keep forgetting to book my flight back to the States...
I love that last picture! All four of you have almost exactly the same expression on your faces. :-) You're not - by chance - related, are you?
Thanks! :)
The city wall is in Rotenburg ob der Tauber - Dad
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