Thursday, November 24, 2016

Taco Disaster...

So… I had a Boy over the other day, and even made tacos… which is a big deal for me, as cooking is definitely not one of my fortes.  Especially cooking for someone else.  Especially for a Boy.  I had been craving tacos for a few weeks, though, and figured he might like to try something Tex-Mex… so I went for it.  But alas… he didn’t really like them.  He found them "interesting."  How can someone not really like tacos?  I’m so confused.  Every normal person likes tacos… and tacos should be a staple in every household.  A dislike of tacos is comparable to not liking oxygen.  Or showers.  Or sunlight.  There are some things that human beings simply need.

Anyway.  At least he was still able to carry on an interesting conversation, despite having to simultaneously force the tacos down.  Which is positive, so I’ll at least give him some credit for that. 

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t enjoy a good taco.  We used to have tacos every single Sunday for lunch!  So this situation has definitely thrown me for a loop, and is making me question everything I’ve ever taken for granted in life.  It’s certainly going to be quite the challenge being friends with someone who would prefer to eat bamboo than tacos.

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