It's brown and beautiful. Like a shiny piece of expensive chocolate with little buttons that turn your life into a pretty sepia tone.
Today I was locked inside my garage with Scaramouche. We're talking a dark, 10x15 foot space with cobwebs and old tires and creepy noises. I swear, if I didn't think that certain people were so darn funny, we'd have major issues here. Poor Scaramouche was crying lonely coolant tears, and all I wanted to do was check on her.
I've also been playing the piano at church again... which is going against my Resolution not to put myself back into some sort of leadership position without first discussing it with people. But since (a) no one seems to care** and (b) I'm doing well*** then what the heck. I don't feel at all like I'm in the right position to be leading the music, but then again, if I waited until I reached a certain "spiritual level" or whatever, then I'd never do anything.
On a different note, I'm thinking of asking people to call me "Maria" instead of "Mary." I'm sick of having to repeat or spell my name, and I'm sick of people assumuing I can't speak German as soon as they realize I'm a foreigner.
Maria Elisabeth. Now I just need a classic German last name... maybe Wagner? Or Schroeder. Or Beethoven. Or Adenauer. Or Goethe. Or Einstein.
Multiple identities! In the States I'd be "Mary Elizabeth Barber" and in Germany I'd be "Maria Elisabeth Mozart."
Tja, mal sehen. :)
*my boss should give me commission for this blog
**surely this is my false perception of the situation
***manic episodes are fun
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