You seriously have to have thick skin to live in this country. Germans can be so freaking direct (and borderline rude) at times... but at least you generally know where you stand.
Ironically, my publishing this little fact in their country, in response to their behaviour, could be considered both direct and rude... but hey, when in Rome. And I'm slowly learning to give it back, though I still haven't concluded if that's a Good or a Bad Thing.
While on the subject... does anyone else have anything they want to criticize me for? Anything I've screwed up that you'd like to confront me on? Anything dumb I've said or done that you'd like to point out? Any language mistakes you'd like to make fun of? Any general complaints, criticisms, reprimands, or suggestions for improvement?
Wow that's a risky request.
That's great the work is growing on you! I took the alanis video off because it was somewhat scandalous, so it didn't quite work out with me being a highschool bible study leader and all. But go to you should be able to find it there. Type in alanis parody and you'll see it. love ya!
Oh, I can't think of any crazy bad thing that you do besides bring tons of delicious chocolate home and make us gain 10 pounds each by the time you leave. You have been nothing but encouraging to me these past few years and I literally don't know what I would do without you. I'm barely surviving now! I can't wait to see you and i'm tearing up right now just thinking about it. Thanks alot!! Love ya bunches
Hey chica!
Ha, the request is dripping in sarcasm. :)
Hmm, ok, I'll have to look the song up. I actually heard it the other day over myspace, but haven't seen the video just yet.
Thanks for your encouragement!! I love you too!
Hehe, just watched the video, and it wasn't as horrid as I'd anticipated. I love how Alanis is and how she moves like an awkward lanky white girl (sound familiar?). I can't figure out whether she's mocking the Black-Eyed Peas or herself... presumably both. :)
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