It's Lolla time! This was probably the most expensive bracelet I've ever worn...

Lindsey! She's by far one of my favorite performers of all time. Her music is great, and she has so much energy on stage. She played a great mix of some old songs as well as songs from her new album.

The Kaiser Chiefs! They were hilarious... I don't think I've ever seen a goofier or smart-aleck-ier lead singer. We were dying laughing! I would definitely see them again...

Ah, the Chainsmokers... honestly... they were so-so. They did have some good beats and remixes... but the transitions from one song to the next were anything but smooth, and practically non-existent. Also, the remix clips that they did were so short... I felt like they were moving from one song to the next every several seconds.. without any real thought-out transitions. But I did hear their new single, which is one of my current favorite pop songs... "Don't let me down."

Last, but not least... Kings of Leon! They were also amazing! Though by the time they were on stage, I was pretty tired of standing and jumping around... :D

Yeah... this pretty much sums it up! :D Though I didn't "repeat"... one day was definitely enough.
#Lollapalooza #LollaBerlin #Berlin #TreptowerPark #LindseyStirling #KaiserChiefs #Chainsmokers #KingsofLeon #NeverAgain