I've been thinking about some things and would like to make the following known:
If you, my Dear Readers, ever have a problem with anything I've written in this blog, including but not limited to
please let me know and I will immediately make the necessary changes (unless you're on my bad side and I'm certain that you lack the drive and power to sue me).
I've included many of you in this blog without your permission and in the next several days/weeks, as I see you all live-and-in-person, I'll try to ask you one-on-one if you're ok with the direction of the blog and the fact that you might be in it. :)
This blog is about life in Germany from an American's perspective. As you all know, much of my life here includes other people, which makes it practically impossible not to include many of you.
To re-iterate: please let me know if you have a problem with anything I've posted... I can change/delete/update anything.
Your faithful and zealous Blog-writer,
Pallas Athena (my new code name)
Well, since you asked, I have a problem with you using my name and alluding to me in your blog. No one's supposed to know of the plans to flatten Taiwan and turn it into something useful like a landing strip.
I'd like a code name - like Hercules or Apollo or Adonis. And I'd like you to post pictures of me, as no one knows what I look like.
It's kind of weird when you talk about me, Paul, George and Ringo living with you... people think I'm dead, after all. And since I want to live the rest of my life in a drug-induced state of peaceful delusions atop your kitchen cabinets, I'd like you not to mention the fact that I live in Neukirchen.
Use my name all you like. In fact... I don't think you talk about me enough!!!! haha!!
I find it amusing that you created a code name for yourself, yet there is still a little link at the bottom of each post that says, "Posted by Mary E."
Haha, Stephanie, I knew you'd write something like that. Saw You-Know-Who's mother over Christmas... was interesting. :)
Sarah - I know, I know! It was a joke. :) My name is still in my profile as well. :) Maybe I should be a little more paranoid...
I was just noticing the new blogger settings... you can actually make your blog "protected," as in only people you choose can read it. I might have to switch back from my xanga. Not really... that requires some effort, something I don't have much of.
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