Monday, January 29, 2007

Home Videos...


Here are a couple of videos that are actually more for my Dear German Readers, as most of my Dear American Readers know my family and have been in my house already...

This first one shows the general lay-out of our house. You can see Emita playing Pride and Prejudice music on the piano, which was absolutely beautiful. The video doesn't quite capture it. :) Mom was working in the kitchen and Kat was upstairs wrapping Christmas presents.

In this one, Tiny didn't realize I was taping... thus the strange pose. And no matter how much my sisters try to say "Neukirchen", they can't pronounce it correctly. :)

This was taken by Mom at Emita's house... she and her roommates have this strange shelf-thing that you can crawl behind. We both managed to squeeze behind there, and Mom taped us crawling back out. It's silly, but it's fun. :) And yes, that's Kenny rolling his eyes at us in the background.

No, just because I published these doesn't mean I'm still homesick. As a matter of fact, I've been in an abnormally positive and upbeat state lately. There's been quite a bit going on (in reality as well as mentally, though sometimes it's difficult to differentiate between the two realms)... but things are looking more positive. In a non-brainwashed or drug-induced way, which is also good. :)


Anonymous said...

i love the videos!

The Kohlers said...

ME- those videos are so sweet- I remember you telling me about your sisters and how close y'all:) are. The piano sounds beautiful, too! What a great house you have in Texas. Are you homesick? Did going home make it better or worse?