Sunday, January 16, 2022

Flowery Art :)

Super exciting - yesterday I picked up my piece of art that I've been wanting for years!  Several years ago, I saw some pieces by Isabelle Menin at a little art gallery/ shop here in Berlin (Lumas), and it was love at first sight! Her background is actually in graphic design, but now she mixes nature photography with digital art, in what she calls "discorded landscapes." So basically, she takes pictures of individual flowers, augments them, and creates these partially realistic/ partially abstract fairytale-like collages.

Digital art is of course different than, say, a physical painting created by an artist... so what she does is only authorize a certain amount of prints of each piece: normally in 4 different sizes, and 150 prints in each size.  As fewer and fewer prints are available, the work is then classified as a "best seller", and the price for the remaining prints increases.  Fortunately, she had a relatively new piece, so it was still in the lower price-range... and costed about half es much as the "best seller" pieces that I was originally looking at.  So thanks to my Christmas bonus, I finally decided to go for it and buy it!  And it's absolutely gorgeous!  I even like it better than some of the older pieces - the color tones are really perfect - lots of white, pink and purple flowers... and a turqoise background.

So I have #27 of 150... and a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist herself :)

Here are a few pictures :)

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