Tuesday, December 23, 2008


It's the Return of the Barber Girls! :)

And it's amazing how immature we can be when we're finally together again. Fun times. :)


Anonymous said...

Hello Mary,

we wish you a good new year, with the leading hand of Jesus, that he will guide your way in a wise kind. The most important thing is to be in the lord.
We are happy, that your flight to your family was good, and that you're well. We wish you a good return to the great old germany, especially the flat-rhein.

Long cordial greetings to your family.

Anonymous said...

schön dass, du wieder da bist =)

Jennifer said...

So sorry I missed you when you visited the office. I just started a blog theraulies.blogspot.com, so you can keep up with us there. You wouldn't even recognize Holloway - he's so grown up!

Anonymous said...

You three immature, beautiful women are AWESOME!!