Friday, May 02, 2008

Work Vocabulary Test

Though I've been here a couple of years, I still have a ton to learn vocabulary-wise. Especially at work. Yes, I can speak German for the most part, but there are still quite a few words I've yet to learn.

Here are some words I've learned at work recently... just normal every day words.

der Rechtsverdreher: Lawyer

I always thought "Rechtsanwalt" was "lawyer", but was evidently wrong.

das Irrenhaus: company headquarters

der Henker: Boss

Doesn't "Chef" mean "Boss"? This was slightly confusing.

der Verdacht: suspicion

seine Pappenheimer kennen: to know your co-workers

abzocken: to rip off or screw

(I'm not going to even say in which context this was used.)

die Einzelwertberichtigung: bad debt

Yay for long German words.

willkuerlich: arbitrarily, at random, haphazardly

(This word should be non-existent in a Finance Department, if you ask me.)

Hopefully this'll give you a taste of what goes on at work. :)


Anonymous said...

machen seit 18uhr SAP... war jetzt ne schöne ablenkung :-))

bis morgen!

Mary Elizabeth said...

bleh. :) Oracle ist doch viel interessanter.

Robyn said...

Just for kicks, I put "Rechtsanwalt" into my little instant translator on my computer and it tells me it means "attorney." It claims that "der Rechtsverdreher" means "the law-monger." Hmm.

Mary Elizabeth said...

Hi Robyn :) This post is actually a joke... most of the words either mean something different or have negative connotations. :)