While at the pool with Mariposa, Huckleberry and Maya the other day, a lifeguard made an interesting statement. Maya was a little afraid of jumping off the high-dive, so we decided to climb up there together. As this wasn't allowed, one of the lifeguards approached us, told me to climb down, and then told Maya that you have to take the most important steps in life on your own.
You have to take the most important steps of life on your own.
Hmm... I'm not too sure about this. He was right in the sense that only you can control what you do, the steps you take, the direction in which you go, and whether or not you jump. But on the other hand, especially in difficult times, you might, for whatever reason, be incapable of taking certain steps. You might just need someone there to take your hand, encourage you and help you.
Looking back on my life, there are about four or five major decisions/ steps/ changes that have occurred. Some were a result of personal initiative and taking steps on my own. But others were a result of someone helping me, and I know that had they not helped, I wouldn't have taken the necessary step.
What do you guys think? Are you more the type who will throw yourself off the diving board, or do you need a little push? Why? How do you make decisions and take action?
It's something to think about.
Well - from your retired rock star/massage therapist aunt, I agree and I disagree. As a Japanese friend said, "You have to sit in front of an open window with your mouth open for a LONG time before a roast duck will fly into your mouth." In the end it's you that says yes or no, moves forward or stays put. I think it's always valuable to have perceptions other than your own, but even if you have no one else to comment, God is always there. That is the most comforting thing for me. It really is. You can pray on everything and hand it over...not that you want to be a spiritual bum...but even the big steps you don't REALLY take alone. Not when you have your faith. Sometimes I really wonder how atheists and agnostics survive.
That's my story and I'm sticking wih it!! :-)
Interesting thoughts from my Rockstar/Massage Therapist Aunt... I've been realizing a lot lately how important balance is, and this is another perfect example. On the one hand, we as people make decisions and are responsible for what we do. God has given us minds to think, bodies to act, and the freewill to plan and execute decisions. But on the other hand, He is always there and desires a sort of relationship with us. He is a personal God which means though we're able to act on our own, He wants us to pray to Him and trust Him.
So, I guess we need a balance of acting on our own initiative but also trusting God to act and waiting for His timing.
I also find comfort in His presence...
Thanks for your comment! :)
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