Mariposa is currently studying and living with a well-known group of German nuns, the Aidlinger Schwestern, and I'm seriously thinking that becoming a nun is a decent idea. Here are the benefits:
- nuns don't have guy drama
- guys generally don't stalk nuns
- nuns live together
- nuns are like communists, except better
- nuns don't have to worry about what they wear
Liz*: "Mary, we just need to get away from guys."
Mary: "I know! Sometimes I want to pull my hair out!"
Liz: "All of this is just BLAH! Paul was right."
Mary: "Yeah, we should start a Nunnery."
Liz: "Having a Significant Other can distract us from GOD."
Mary: "Can I start calling you Sister Lizzy?"
Liz: "Yes! I like the Nunnery idea. My new motto is, 'No Boys, No Problems.'"
Mary: "I once saw 'Boys are mean. Throw rocks at them.' on a t-shirt."
Liz: "I'm going to get a bull-dozer and get a huge stone to throw at them! A boulder!"
Mary: "YEAH! Me too! Or I'll bake a nice Arsenic Cake."
Liz: "When I think about us girls doing girly stuff together, I feel better."
Mary: "Yeah... too bad we're so far away from eachother now..."
I'm going to start a Nun Revolution, baby! I'm going to be the craziest, most eccentric nun ever. I'm going to be a jazz-piano-playing-Jesus-loving-hookah-smoking-bilingual nun with an amethyst nose stud. Make way, Aidlinger Schwestern, here I come!!!
*my old roomie's younger sister, who's also one of my dearest friends :)
But aren't nuns married to Jesus? He's a guy, right?
I am Sister Viola Blasphemo. Google nuns behaving badly.
Em, I guess you could look at it that way. But Jesus is the perfect guy (assuming that what the Bible says about him is correct)... which means he wouldn't manipulate you, break your heart or have ulterior motives.
Sister Viola Blasphemo, eh? For some strange reason, that seems to fit... ;)
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