This blog is especially for my German readers
***end of warning***
Hallo meine Lieben!
Da die meisten, die mein Blog lesen Deutsche sind habe ich mich entschlossen, den Blog ab jetzt auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Ne, Scherz. :)
Aber jetzt ganz ernst: habe eine E-mail von meiner Schwester Tiny bekommen und die will etwas, was sich "LU Granny Bars" nennt. Kennt irgendjemand von euch die? Die sind scheinbar Kekse und kommen aus Belgien. Die kenne ich überhaupt nicht und dachte, dass einer von euch die vielleicht kennt oder wisst, wo ich mir welche besorgen könnte.
Ok, das wars.
Und ja, Eleanor, du darfst mein Deutsch ruhig korrigieren. Aber nur wenn du mir gleichzeitig LU Granny Bars besorgst.
Quote of the Day: "Hey, das ist nicht normal..." (Thanks to Karin)
Because I'm just very curious, I tossed the entry in http://babelfish.altavista.com to see what you were babbling about... I thought you might be amused by the funny, word-for-word translation.
"Hello my love! There most, which my Blog reads Germans is has I decided to write the Blog from now on on German. Ne, joke:) But now completely seriously: email of my sister got a Tiny and those wants something that calls itself "LU Granny bars". Does somebody know those from you? Those are apparently cookies and come from Belgium. Those I know not at all and thought that perhaps one of you knows or knows those, where I could procure myself which. Ok one, wars. And, Eleanor, you may correct my German calmly. But only if you procure LU Granny bars at the same time to me."
lol!!! That's hilarious!
Give me a few more years here and that's how my English will be. Nah, not really. :)
Sometimes people want me to correct their written English and I can usually tell when they've simply plugged something into a translator site as opposed to translated it themselves. :)
Hmm... I might have to make an entry out of your comment cause it's so darn funny.
Haha I knew you'd enjoy it. :-) I feel special... I might make a blog entry! You know you have arrived when... ;-)
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