Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Morning Music, Revolts and Comparison Abolition (or, Eleanor's hubby finally has his own nickname)

Well, today we had another Magical Sunday Morning Musical Experience. Neal was the Moderator, so of course he, Helmut, Cruiser* and I had to stir things up a little bit. And by "stir things up", I mean that Neal played an acoustic-drum-box-thing, and we sang three songs in a row (normally, there are readings or announcements between songs). It went well, and the reactions were all positive.

Quite a few people in our church are extremely musically gifted, and it's been a joy and privelege being able to play with them and learn from them. A couple have even written and recorded some of their own music and have CDs out... so we're talking real pros here. :)

Afterwards, over the usual post-church-service-coffee-and-cookies, several of us had a very interesting and lively conversation about music in general, music in the church, interaction and cooperation between band members, and various musical styles. 'Twas very helpful. I often find myself comparing my piano playing with Syd's, but as he and several others have said... no one plays better... we simply play different.

Syd: "You need to stop saying that I play better than you."
Mary: "Em..."
Syd: "We play differently and each have our own style. One's not better than the other."
Mary: "But sometimes different is better."
Syd: "Yeah, you're right... I'm much better than you."

Actually, only the first 3/5 of that conversation actually occurred. :)

And differences are what make the world a Fascinating Magical Mystery Tour.

Seriously, the more I play, the more I actually enjoy it. Sure, it's still a little nerve-wracking because so many of the songs are new, and I still get nervous playing in front of large groups of people... but overall it's been a good, healthy challenge.

Lyric of the Day: "Roll up (and that's an invitation)... roll up (to make a reservation)... roll up (we've got everything you need)... roll up (satisfaction guaranteed)... roll up for the Mystery Tour." (Thanks to the Beatles)

*Eleanor's husband, who finally has his own, personal nickname! *gives a standing ovation* He's a guitar-and-bass-guitar-playing-fiend, as well as one of the church Elders, right up there with Mr. P. *oooooh*

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