After much deliberation and cogitation, I've decided I'd like to be a subsistence farmer on a random island in the sun. A day consisting of berry-picking, contemplative walks on the beach and reading is sounding rather nice.
The plan is to start looking for a boat this weekend, and then give away all my stuff (if there's something in particular you'd like - say, a CD or a book, for example - let me know) and paddle away next weekend. I have some money saved up, so I could have emergency items such as blank notebooks, chocolate bars and contact lenses helicoptered in.
The only foreseeable problem is the lack of a piano.
I'll take your English-German, German-English dictionary from the 1970's that your dad gave you.
I'll join you on your sunny little island and we can go in together on a piano! But we will have to create a schedule for using the piano, or things could get ugly...
Leo - we'll see. That's one of the books I actually wanted to take along.
Sarah - sounds good... and you could bring your guitar along as well.
Emilie - Hmm, not a bad idea... though I really would rather have a real piano. :)
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