Monday, June 12, 2006

Germany is like an abusive boyfriend.*

Not that I've had an abusive boyfriend (unless we count mental and psychological manipulation as abuse), or even an official boyfriend for that matter... but I know how to observe and read.

At this point, I feel like I'm in an abusive and unstable love-hate relationship with the entire country. Certain formalities, rules and language barriers are terribly frustrating. But the people here and my church are wonderful, as is the general lifestyle.

Lately I've taken several hits... yet I'm still here, and continue to push forward, hoping things will somehow get better. And, unlike crappy situations created by crappy boyfriends, things will eventually improve. Right? Right...?

Yes, of course.

Delinquent boyfriends also tend to be controlling... and let me tell you: in Germany, everything is controlled. Geregelt. And if you step outside (or drive over) the lines, you're OUT. *Boom* Just like that.

Maybe we should break up.

Then again, it's more complicated to break up with a country (i.e., make an international move) than it is with a guy. But you get the point.

You know, though... I've always wanted to be back here, and now that I've decided to live here and play the Adult Game, there are simply certain consequences to be dealt with. There's no way around it.

Most gals with destructive boyfriends would rather have a miscreant boyfriend than no boyfriend at all. In my case, I'd rather be in an abusive European country than no European country at all. So, instead of leaving and giving up, I'm going to continue. Despite the abuse.

Jammer, jammer** :)

And maybe I'll sue the Straßenverkehrsamt*** for causing emotional turmoil. Feel free to make prank calls and to send hate-mail and spam.

Lyrics of the day: "The only way out is through; the faster we're in the better; the only way out is through ultimately..." (Thanks to Alanis)

*please don't take anything written here overly seriously.

**the 'j' here is pronounced like the 'y' in 'Yuletide' or 'Yukon.' And 'jammern' means to complain.

***the Bureau that takes care of all things having to do with traffic and transportation

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the abuse would stop, I'd have time to write a book. *sniff sniff*
