Thursday, November 24, 2016

Taco Disaster...

So… I had a Boy over the other day, and even made tacos… which is a big deal for me, as cooking is definitely not one of my fortes.  Especially cooking for someone else.  Especially for a Boy.  I had been craving tacos for a few weeks, though, and figured he might like to try something Tex-Mex… so I went for it.  But alas… he didn’t really like them.  He found them "interesting."  How can someone not really like tacos?  I’m so confused.  Every normal person likes tacos… and tacos should be a staple in every household.  A dislike of tacos is comparable to not liking oxygen.  Or showers.  Or sunlight.  There are some things that human beings simply need.

Anyway.  At least he was still able to carry on an interesting conversation, despite having to simultaneously force the tacos down.  Which is positive, so I’ll at least give him some credit for that. 

I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t enjoy a good taco.  We used to have tacos every single Sunday for lunch!  So this situation has definitely thrown me for a loop, and is making me question everything I’ve ever taken for granted in life.  It’s certainly going to be quite the challenge being friends with someone who would prefer to eat bamboo than tacos.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Obama in Berlin...

One of my favorite things about Berlin is that there is ALWAYS something going on.  There's rarely a dull moment.  The past couple of days have been pretty crazy here, thanks to a farewell visit from Mr. Obama himself. Basically, the entire city center was on lockdown for 2.5 days... police and tanks were everywhere,  public transportation was delayed/ canceled/ re-routed, and much of Berlin was turned into a temporary no-fly zone.  This might be normal for city-kids... but not for this suburb-raised girl.  It was definitely exciting following what was going on, and seeing how a city operates when top leaders visit.

As most of you know, I live about 5 minutes from the Tegel Airport and drive past it on my way to work.  Wednesday evening when Obama arrived, I knew it was pointless to even try to drive home... so I asked a friend who works downtown if he wanted to meet up and see what's going on!  The entire street leading to the Brandenburger Tor was blocked off, and there were police and barricades in all of the adjacent streets.  So you couldn't even see the main street... and only people who live or work there were permitted access.  It was so intimidating that I was too scared to even take a picture!

Then, on Friday afternoon at work, I suddenly saw two black military helicopters circling around (picture below)... evidently accompanying Air Force One!  Unfortunately I didn't actually see Air Force One, as it was a rather cloudy afternoon... but I did hear it!  Exciting stuff!  

If it were to happen on a daily basis, I'd probably be annoyed with the traffic and interruptions... but observing everything from afar for a limited amount of time was definitely interesting.

#Berlin #ObamaBerlin

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Family Reunion in Berlin!

My favorite guy in the universe was in Berlin a few weeks ago!  Although he was here on "business", we still had some great times and talks together!  It's crazy thinking about all the places we've been together... we've really been all over the globe.  And of course, whenever he's in Europe, we have to meet up.  Nanjing... Amsterdam... Brussels... Basel... #Berlin... been there, done that.  :)

At the Brandenburger Tor... :)

And at the capitol building...

Here's a team picture... these were some amazing people, and it was a very encouraging couple of days with them.  God is doing some #crazyShit here in Berlin!